BOOKS FOR KIDS-2021 and ongoing
For the past 30 years, the Kawartha Rotary Club has been providing books for the Salvation Army Hamper Program. Approximately 3000 books are required annually to ensure that every child from newborn to 12 years receives a new book. One of Rotary International’s areas of focus is Supporting Education and this is a perfect way to assist locally. Books are donated through purchases at various retailers and the Kawartha Club purchases the remainder to ensure our goal is met each year. Approximately 90,000 books have been provided over the last 30 years.

Peterborough Kawartha’s Rotary history working with Cameron House goes back to 1996 when they helped pay off the mortgage when the home was first established. Over the years, the club has been instrumental with providing them with personal care items, clothing, furnishings and food.
For the 2021 project, a Rotary International District Grant of $3000 was received and the Kawartha Rotary Club contributed the remaining $2500. Initially the project was to involve indoor work such as painting and repairs but with the COVID pandemic, the club had to shift gears and find an outdoor project. After a meeting with Cameron House staff and based on input from residents, it was decided that a gazebo and gardening work would be done and is being enjoyed by residents of the home.
SUPER SPRING CLEAN UP-2021 and ongoing
Around Earth Day each year, the Rotary Club of Peterborough Kawartha plans a large spring clean up encouraging area residents to get involved.
The first few years of the clean up involved all local area high schools. Participating students were transported by bus from their respective high schools at 9:00 am along with teachers, Rotarians and volunteers to pre-designated posts to collect litter. The club
worked closely with the City and County of Peterborough to safely collect and dispose of the materials. At 11:30, participants were then bussed to Del Crary Park to celebrate Earth Day and the morning’s achievements with food, beverages and live music provided by some high school bands.
This event not only results in cleaner parks and road sides but it will raise students and the community’s overall awareness of the beautiful region we are living in and the importance of keeping our environment clean. are living in and the importance of keeping our environment clean.

The Adventure in Understanding Canoe Trip was initiated by Don Watkins of the Rotary Club of Peterborough Kawartha and is an excellent example of great partnering; Camp Kawartha, the Canadian Canoe Museum and Curve Lake First Nation have been involved since its’ inception.
Three 26 foot Voyageur canoes with a full crew consisting of 20 First Nation and non-native students and 4 leaders have embarked on this 100km trip annually since 2013.
Some highlights of the trip include travelling over the Peterborough Lift Lock, experiencing the “teaching rocks” at Petroglyphs Provincial Park and meeting with Elders. With the focus on the ecological and cultural importance of water, the students will play native games, practice native skills, swim, sing, share stories and make new friends.

Sponsored by the Peterborough Rotary Club and the Rotary Club of Peterborough Kawartha, this free event attracts hundreds of residents each year. Live entertainment, multiple bouncy castles, face painting, complimentary popcorn and ice cream for the kids! The evening is then topped off by an amazing fireworks display.

The first Citizenship Reaffirmation ceremony took place in 2002 and was sponsored by and in the area of the Rotary Clubs of Barrie and Orillia. The first “pilot” ceremony in Peterborough was conducted in 2003 at Armour Heights Public School. Since that time the Rotary Club of Peterborough Kawartha has provided one Ceremony on the same day each spring for one school from the Public and Separate School Boards. The ceremony is a reenactment of a true Citizenship Court whereby Canadian students and staff reaffirm their loyalty and commitment to Canada. Each student is also provided with a certificate